RTITB is recognised throughout the united kingdom and Ireland as one of the leading material handling equipment training accrediting bodies.
RTITB is a founder member of the ABA (accrediting bodies association for workplace transport) and this replaced the accrediting bodies forum previously run by the HSE.
They have over 40 years experience of setting training standards,accreditation and monitoring.
The RTITB accreditation schemes are supported by legal requirements for training.The health and safety at work act 1974 prescribes a legal duty to provide adequate training and instruction to their employees.This is reinforced by the provision & use of work equipment regulations of 1998 which states that all persons using work equipment must be trained, including the methods of using equipment, any risks and precautions taken.
The RTITB accreditation schemes and standards are guided by the Approved code of practice for rider operated lift trucks.( ACOP L117). The code has special legal status. If you are prosecuted for a breach off health and safety law, and its proved that you did not follow the relevant provisions of the (ACOP L117) you will need to show that you have complied with the law in some other way or a court will find fault